I'm back! ... kind of. School started up, marching band is in full swing, and my turtle is very high maintenance. I'm sure you understand.
Anyhow, with life being so crazy I am all about food that is really easy to make and delicious. I'm just starting to learn how to use my crock pot and let me tell you I am starting to think it may be one of the best inventions ever. With 6 hours, a couple of pork chops, and a few other ingredients you can make THE MOST DELICIOUS PORK CHOPS EVER*.
*may be slightly over exaggerated, but they're damn good.
Slow Cooked Asian Pork Chops
serves 4
prep time: 10 minutes. Even if you've never cooked before and you're doing this in the dark.
cook time: 6 hours
eating time: 20 minutes
4 boneless pork chops
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup ketchup
2 cloves garlic, crushed
salt and pepper
1. Combine everything but the pork chops in the crock pot. Stir them together, then add the pork chops and cook on LOW for 6-ish hours.
Once they're done, you'll notice there is still quite a bit of that amazing, delicious sauce on the bottom. Cook up some rice and put just a tablespoon or 2 of the sauce in the rice and give it a good stir. CONGRATULATIONS YOU JUST TIED YOUR MEAL TOGETHER. Put some rice on the bottom, put the chops over it, and put a sprig of rosemary or chop a couple of scallions over the top. It's fabulous.
Just for fun, here's a picture of my turtle. HAPPY COOKING! :-D